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Re: Another Tk/Tcl error...

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Another Tk/Tcl error...
Date: 22 Sep 1999 10:22:25 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "DS" == Darren Schreiber <address@hidden> writes:

DS> (Tcl -eval:) syntax error in expression "( - ) / 2" while
DS> executing "lindex $temp 1" while evaluating: set temp
DS> [.w0x496ca18.w0x496b7c8 bbox 34]; set h [expr ([lindex $temp 3] -
DS> [lindex $temp 1]) / 2]

There must be something weird about either the text you create for the
node or the canvas itself.  It's apparently failing to find the
bounding box of the text, or the numbers it returns are syntactically bad.

The thing to do is to close off a conservative perimeter and then
squeeze it until the critter makes a run for it.  (Sometimes you'll
find the bug just growing the perimeter.)

Further, if you want help drawing the perimeter, it's important to make an
effort to have a common basis for communication.  The program below is
adapted from your code and works for me.  How are things different in
your context?

#import <simtools.h>
#import <gui.h>
#import <defobj/Create.h>

@interface Target: CreateDrop

@implementation Target

main (int argc, const char **argv)
  id <Canvas> aCanvas;
  id <NodeItem> agentNode;
  id target;

  initSwarm (argc, argv);

  aCanvas = [Canvas create: globalZone];
  [aCanvas setWidth: 400 Height: 400];
  [aCanvas setWindowTitle: "Canvas"];
  [aCanvas pack];

  target = [Target create: globalZone];

    char aName[10];
    int agentID = 5;
    sprintf(aName,"C%d", agentID);
    agentNode = [OvalNodeItem createBegin: globalZone];
    [agentNode setCanvas: aCanvas];
    [agentNode setX: 100 Y: 100];
    [agentNode setString: aName];
    [agentNode setFont: "{Arial 6}"];
    [agentNode setTargetId: target];
    agentNode=[agentNode createEnd];
    [agentNode setColor: "tan"];
    [agentNode setBorderColor: "pink"];
    [agentNode setBorderWidth: 1];
  while (1) { while (GUI_EVENT_ASYNC ()) {} }

Local Variables:
compile-command: "gcc -o canvas3 -g -Wno-import -L//D/Swarm-1.4.1/lib 
-I//D/Swarm-1.4.1/include canvas3.m -lanalysis -lsimtools -lsimtoolsgui 
-lactivity -ltkobjc -lrandom -lobjectbase -ldefobj -lcollections -lmisc  
-ltclobjc -lBLT8.0 -ltk80 -ltcl80 -luser32 -lgdi32 -lpng -lz -lavcall -lm 

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