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Re: batch

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: batch
Date: 18 Jun 1999 11:07:17 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.3.10

>>>>> "MF" == Magda Fontana <address@hidden> writes:

MF> here is the part of my batchSwarm that is under
MF> question. Everything works fine (it writes data to file), except
MF> that in the .output file I got only 0s and 1s for the sequences,
MF> whereas in the GUI mode they take their "reasonable" value that
MF> should fall between 0 and 1.

Sorry, that code excerpt is not sufficient to reproduce the problem
you describe. 

Here is a complete test case extrapolated from your code excerpt. 
Can you frob it to demonstrate the bad behavior you get? 

If so, please report the change you make and facts about your system.

#import <simtools.h>
#import <analysis.h>
#import <random.h>
#import <objectbase/SwarmObject.h>
#import <objectbase/Swarm.h>
#import <simtoolsgui/GUISwarm.h>
#include <math.h>

#define PERSONCOUNT 100

@interface Native: SwarmObject
- (double)getStrategyNF;
- (double)getStrategyNN;

@implementation Native
- (double)getStrategyNF
  return log (1.0 + getCurrentTime () * 
              [uniformDblRand getDoubleWithMin: 1.0 withMax: 2.0]);

- (double)getStrategyNN
  return log (1.0 + getCurrentTime () *
              [uniformDblRand getDoubleWithMin: 2.0 withMax: 3.0]);

@interface Foreigner: SwarmObject
- (double)getStrategyFF;
- (double)getStrategyFN;

@implementation Foreigner
- (double)getStrategyFF
  return log (1.0 + getCurrentTime () *
              [uniformDblRand getDoubleWithMin: 4.0 withMax: 5.0]);

- (double)getStrategyFN
  return log (1.0 + getCurrentTime () *
              [uniformDblRand getDoubleWithMin: 5.0 withMax: 6.0]);

@interface ModelSwarm: Swarm
  id <List> nativeList;
  id <List> foreignerList;
+ createBegin: aZone;
- (id <List>)getNativeList;
- (id <List>)getForeignerList;
- (double)getXRatio;

@implementation ModelSwarm
+ createBegin: aZone
  ModelSwarm *obj = [super createBegin: aZone];
  id <List> l;
  unsigned i;

  l = [List create: aZone];
  for (i = 0; i < PERSONCOUNT; i++)
    [l addLast: [Native create: aZone]];
  obj->nativeList = l;
  l = [List create: aZone];
  for (i = 0; i < PERSONCOUNT; i++)
    [l addLast: [Foreigner create: aZone]];
  obj->foreignerList = l;

  return obj;

- (double)getXRatio
  return [uniformDblRand getDoubleWithMin: 0.0 withMax: 1.0];

- (id <List>)getNativeList;
  return nativeList;

- (id <List>)getForeignerList
  return foreignerList;

@interface DataCollectorSwarm: Swarm
  id <EZGraph> xGraph0;
  id modelSwarm;
  id <Schedule> schedule;
  id <Schedule> stopSchedule;
- buildObjects;
- buildActions;
- (void)stepGraph;
- (id <Activity>)activateIn: swarmContext;
- (void)setupStopSchedule;
- stop;

@implementation DataCollectorSwarm

- buildObjects
  [super buildObjects];
  modelSwarm = [ModelSwarm create: self];

  xGraph0 = [EZGraph createBegin: self];
  [xGraph0 setGraphics: swarmGUIMode];
  [xGraph0 setFileOutput: !swarmGUIMode];
  [xGraph0 setTitle: "My Graph"];
  [xGraph0 setAxisLabelsX: "Time" Y: "Performance"];
  xGraph0 = [xGraph0 createEnd];
  [xGraph0 createSequence: "XRatio.output"
           withFeedFrom: modelSwarm
  [xGraph0 createAverageSequence: "XAmongN.output"
           withFeedFrom: [modelSwarm getNativeList]
  [xGraph0 createAverageSequence: "XNvsF.output"
           withFeedFrom: [modelSwarm getNativeList]
  [xGraph0 createAverageSequence: "XFvsN.output"
           withFeedFrom: [modelSwarm getForeignerList]
  [xGraph0 createAverageSequence: "XAmongF.output"
           withFeedFrom: [modelSwarm getForeignerList]
  return self;

- buildActions
  [super buildActions];
  schedule = [Schedule createBegin: self];
  [schedule setRepeatInterval: 1];
  schedule = [schedule createEnd];

  [schedule at: 0 createActionTo: self message: M(stepGraph)];
  return self;

- (void)stepGraph
  [xGraph0 step];

- (id <Activity>)activateIn: swarmContext
  [super activateIn: swarmContext];
  [schedule activateIn: self];
  if (stopSchedule)
    [stopSchedule activateIn: self];
  return [self getActivity];

- (void)setupStopSchedule
  stopSchedule = [Schedule create: self];
  [stopSchedule at: 600 createActionTo: self message: M(stop)];

- stop
  [getTopLevelActivity () terminate];
  return self;

@interface ObserverSwarm: GUISwarm
  id displaySchedule;
- buildActions;
- (id <Activity>)activateIn: swarmContext;

@implementation ObserverSwarm
- buildActions
  displaySchedule = [Schedule createBegin: self];
  [displaySchedule setRepeatInterval: 1];
  displaySchedule = [displaySchedule createEnd];
  [displaySchedule createActionTo: actionCache message: M(doTkEvents)];
  return self;

- (id <Activity>)activateIn: swarmContext
  [super activateIn: swarmContext];
  [displaySchedule activateIn: self];
  return [self getActivity];

main (int argc, const char **argv)
  id dataCollectorSwarm, observerSwarm;

  initSwarm (argc, argv);

  dataCollectorSwarm = [DataCollectorSwarm create: globalZone];
  [dataCollectorSwarm buildObjects];
  [dataCollectorSwarm buildActions];
  if (swarmGUIMode)
      observerSwarm = [ObserverSwarm create: globalZone];
      [observerSwarm buildObjects];
      [observerSwarm buildActions];
      [observerSwarm activateIn: nil];
      [dataCollectorSwarm activateIn: observerSwarm];
      [observerSwarm go];
      [dataCollectorSwarm setupStopSchedule];
      [dataCollectorSwarm activateIn: nil];
      [[dataCollectorSwarm getActivity] run];
  return 0;

Local Variables:
compile-command: "/opt/gnu/bin/gcc -o ezgraph -g -Wno-import 
-L/opt/SUNWtcl/8.0/sun4/lib -R/opt/SUNWtcl/8.0/sun4/lib -L/opt/SDGblt/2.4g/lib 
-R/opt/SDGblt/2.4g/lib -L/opt/SDGlibffi/1.20/lib -R/opt/SDGlibffi/1.20/lib 
-L/opt/SDGswarm/1.4.1/lib -L/opt/SDGzlib/1.1.3/lib -L/usr/local/X11/lib 
-R/usr/local/X11/lib -L/usr/openwin/lib -R/usr/openwin/lib 
-L/opt/SDGhdf5/1.0.1/lib -I/opt/SDGswarm/1.4.1/include ezgraph.m -lanalysis 
-lsimtools -lsimtoolsgui -lactivity -ltkobjc -lrandom -lobjectbase  -ldefobj 
-lcollections -lmisc  -ltclobjc -ltk8.0 -ltcl8.0 -lBLT -lsocket -ldl -lnsl 
-L/usr/openwin/lib -lhdf5 -lpng -lz -lXpm -lX11 -lffi -lm -lobjc -lpthread 

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   to day usage of Swarm.  For list administration needs (esp.
   [un]subscribing), please send a message to <address@hidden>
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