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Do you see this Blt_ZoomStack error from heatbugs-1.0.1?

From: Paul E. Johnson
Subject: Do you see this Blt_ZoomStack error from heatbugs-1.0.1?
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 1997 14:14:45 -0600 (CST)

After my (well, admittedly heroic) effort to make swarm go in Redhat 5,
I didn't fuss with it until today. When I ran the new heatbugs101,
it looks OK on the screen, but in the console from which it came, I 
see this error. What gives?

address@hidden heatbugs-1.0.1]$ heatbugs
(Tcl -eval:) invalid command name "Blt_ZoomStack"
    while executing
"unknown_pre_tclObjc $name $args"
    invoked from within
"if {[llength [info procs unknown_pre_tclObjc]]} {
       unknown_pre_tclObjc $name $args
     } else {
       error "in unknown: invalid command name: ..."
    invoked from within
"if {[string match address@hidden $name]} {
     return [uplevel tclObjc_msg_send $name $args]
   } else {
     if {[llength [info procs unknown_pre_tclObjc]]}  ..."
    (procedure "unknown" line 2)
    invoked from within
"Blt_ZoomStack .w0x8169ec8.w0x8169c00"
while evaluating: Blt_ZoomStack .w0x8169ec8.w0x8169c00; Blt_Crosshairs
.w0x8169ec8.w0x8169c00; Blt_ActiveLegend .w0x8169ec8.w0x8169c00;
Blt_ClosestPoint .w0x8169ec8.w0x8169c00


Also, I'm trying to figure how to revise Swarm programs in
light of the runtime error indicating that doTkEvents is
outmoded.  Will things like this happen lots?

Paul E. Johnson                           address@hidden
Dept. of Political Science                Office: (913) 864-9086
University of Kansas                      FAX: (913) 864-5700
Lawrence, Kansas 66045                    Home: (913) 842-9916                  

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