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Re: java vs. tcl/tk???

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: java vs. tcl/tk???
Date: 04 Dec 1997 09:35:54 -0800

>>>>> "Brad" == bleydorf  <address@hidden> writes:

Brad> If I already have NT 4, should I bother installing Linux on my
Brad> home PC, with the upcoming NT release?  

GNU/Linux is a wonderful development environment, independent of its 
contribution to Swarm things. 

Brad> And how hard will it be
Brad> to convert old linux code to new NT code?  Will the user
Brad> contributed libraries work with NT, specifically GraphLib-0.2?

We will certainly try to preserve the existing API, but we can't
guarantee that contributed libraries will work unless that actually
use the API.  

For example, in today's Swarm it is easy to talk directly to the Tcl
interpreter (or even the X server), completely bypassing the tkobjc
features.  If people do these things, say for performance or for a
lack of the appropriate feature in Swarm, then there is no way these
bits of a (hypothetical?) contributed library to possibly function
with the Java interface.

As for GraphLib, I can only see one small problem and that's
this line in DiGraph.m:  

   [globalTkInterp eval: "update idletasks"] ;

Anyway, I'm not sure follow your question: since you ask if you
should install GNU/Linux, it is unclear how you risk breaking
legacy code by sticking with NT alone.

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