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problem with version 1.0.1

From: Benoit Desrosiers
Subject: problem with version 1.0.1
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 16:46:48 -0400

Hi, I'm new to this mailing-list so if this problem is already known
please forgive me.

I'm working on a Sparc 4, with SunOs Release 5.4 Generic_10145-42
with OpenWindows 3.4. 

I have compile swarm and I'm trying the tutorial.
Everything worked fine until I tried simpleExperBug.
When I did started it I received the following message:

(Tcl -eval:) error while autoloading "Blt_ZoomStack": bad option "networkname": 
should be atime, dirname, executable, exists, extension, isdirectory, isfile, 
join, lstat, mtime, owned, pathtype, readable, readlink, root, size, split, 
stat, tail, type, or writable
    while executing
"unknown_pre_tclObjc $name $args"
    invoked from within
"if {[llength [info procs unknown_pre_tclObjc]]} {
       unknown_pre_tclObjc $name $args
     } else {
       error "in unknown: invalid command name: ..."
    invoked from within
"if {[string match address@hidden $name]} {
     return [uplevel tclObjc_msg_send $name $args]
   } else {
     if {[llength [info procs unknown_pre_tclObjc]]}  ..."
    (procedure "unknown" line 2)
    invoked from within
"Blt_ZoomStack .w25d730.w2442e0"
while evaluating: Blt_ZoomStack .w25d730.w2442e0; Blt_Crosshairs 
.w25d730.w2442e0; Blt_ActiveLegend .w25d730.w2442e0; Blt_ClosestPoint 

The user interface did appeared, but when I hit the Go button, here
is what I received:

Starting model 1 
Model 1 is done 
Length of this run = 2356 
Segmentation Fault

any ideas????

just a supposition that I just think about: is it possible that I've forgot
to install a patch of TCL or Blt ?

Benoit Desrosiers

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