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looking up class

From: Ginger Booth
Subject: looking up class
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 97 15:32:57 EST

Hi, y'all,
    I'm trying to get the Class* from a name, and then create an
instance of that class.  For instance,

    name = "AgentTypeFunky"
    aspecies = [tclObjc_nameToObject("AgentTypeFunky") create];

I've tried (from obj_api.h):

    (Class*) objc_get_class(const char* name)
    (Class*) objc_lookup_class(const char* name)
    tclObjc_nameToObject(char* name)

Assorted error messages lead me to believe tclObjc_nameToObject is indeed
getting the Class* of AgentTypeFunky .  But when I try to create on it, I get

    IOT trap (core dumped)
Sending a message to it, that the class doesn't support, such as:

    [tclObjc_nameToObject("AgentTypeFunky") printVerbose];
Gives an error message saying AgentTypeFunky (Class) doesn't respond to this

Does anyone know how to do this correctly?  Have I missed a Basic Precept?


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