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NATO Postdoc in Budapest?

From: John B. Corliss
Subject: NATO Postdoc in Budapest?
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 18:49:20 +0100

The Systems Laboratory http://www.ceu.hu/sun/system.html of Central
European University (CEU) http://www.ceu.hu/ is seeking Swarm-type people
who would like to pursue with us work on modeling social systems as
collections of individuals, using the evolving Swarm/Complex Adaptive
Systems approach. Our mission is to provide user-friendly agent-based
complex adaptive system modeling interfaces for the faculties and students
of the Departments of Economics, Sociology, History, Political Science,
Environmental Sciences/Policy of CEU (and anyone else in the rest of the
world interested in these models).

We expect to focus on Swarm and aCe, http://newton.gsfc.nasa.gov/aCe for
the simulation, and Java and Castanet for the user-friendly interface, with
the idea that the ultimate limitation is processing speed, and remote
supercomputers are probably the way most people can get that, and that the
best people to design and validate the models are the social scientists.

We have SGI Origin 200 dual-processor server and X-windows clients with
100baseT. Also fast satellite Web connection.

The mission of the University is support of scholars from Central and
Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union (CEE and the fSU). Thus OUR ONLY
WAY to get people from the West here is with outside funding, thus NATO


***Approximately 30 fellowships are offered to outstanding young scientists
and engineers to enable them to study and conduct research at appropriate
government and non-profit scientific institutions located in NATO-member
countries ... or Cooperation Partner Countries***

Hungary is a *Cooperation Partner Country*. CEU is an appropriate institution.

***The program provides a monthly stipend of $2,750, plus dependency and
travel allowances, for tenures of 12 months.***

That money would go a long way in Hungary. Check out
http://www.fsz.bme.hu/hungary/homepage.html to get a feel for being here.
Actually you won't really know until you are here, but it is an interesting
place at an interesting time in history. The University students (all
graduate students) are the best, collected from CEE and the fSU, and
Budapest is Jump City.

----------THE MAJOR PROBLEM IS-------------:
The deadline is THIS FRIDAY, 18 January, 1997.

Is it too late? Well maybe not since proposals are often written in the
last week before the deadline anyway, and we are in this era of
connectivity. (The letters of reference are the problem.)

Inquiries to ma at address@hidden will be answered very promptly.

Regards - Jack Corliss

Dr. John B. Corliss (Jack)
Systems Laboratory
Central European University
Kerepesi ut 87
1106 Budapest, Hungary
36-1-327-3158 voice
36-1-327-3169 fax

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