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Re: getting spamass-milter to simply reject mail

From: Jack L. Stone
Subject: Re: getting spamass-milter to simply reject mail
Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2004 17:55:27 -0500

At 03:03 PM 6.13.2004 -0700, Jeff D. Hamann wrote:
>I've installed spamass-milter and it seems to be working fine, but I want to
>configure it so that email that is tagged as spam is simply rejected by
>sendmail. I run a very small site and having a few false positives is
>nothing in comparison to the 500 spams I get each day. I configured my
> file to read as follows:
>INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`spamassassin', `S=local:/var/run/spamass-milter.sock,
>F=R, T=C:15m;S:4m;R:4m;E:10m')
>and the mail is getting processed by spamass-milter is being tagged as spam
>(which is good), by if I want Sendmail to reject the message, shouldn't I be
>able to use the F=R argument or do I not understand what the F=R flag is
>The spamass-milter docs have:
>INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`spamassassin', `S=local:/var/run/spamass-milter.sock, F=,
>I'm not worried about false positives (yet) because I haven't completely
>learned to configure SpamAssassin and figure there are plenty of settings
>for me to tweak if I need them. My biggest concern is simply rejecting spam
>and that the [reject] notice shows up in the maillog file. I can send myself
>a message and fine tune the rejections each day if needed or add things to
>the whitelists, yes?
>Can spamass-milter handle simply rejecting mail? I have less than a dozen
>users and rejected mail isn't a concern but the volume of spam we get is
>*HUGE* for us and rejecting it from Sendmail is the optimal solution.

Jeff: Just set the "r" switch at your spamassassin spam threshold, or any
other acceptable level that works best. Here's mine:

/usr/local/sbin/spamass-milter -r 15 -p /var/run/spamass-milter.sock

...which is about 3x my spamassassin threshold of 4.5...


Best regards,
Jack L. Stone,

Sage American

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