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Re: [Simulavr-devel] A new simulavrxx user

From: Till Harbaum
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] A new simulavrxx user
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2005 11:22:06 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.7.2

Hi Klaus,

On Wednesday 23 March 2005 07:31, Klaus Rudolph wrote:
> > - the rs232 output gets currupted when the debugger starts. The program
> > is actually already being executed before the debugger starts up.
> That effect is not seen before. Can you give a more detailed description
> please. Maybe example code and the Makefiles and scrips you are running?
The anacomp example does it as well. If i enable the tracing window in 
checkdebug.tcl i see, that the emulation is running as long as the debugger 
starts up. Once the debugger is running, the trace stops and the simulation 
is under control of ddd/gdb.

> I must also ask you for sample code.
I will create a simple test set.

> It simply writes every executed assembler command with labels, var names,
That's not what i wanted to know. In fact i did find it in the meantime 
myself. I was asking for the pipe on port 0x20. I didn't know what exactly to 
ask for since i only found it mentioned once in the archives.

I added the same function to port 0x66 on the mega128 and it works fine, 

> You can also use the pipe interface for that reason. There is
> a "special" version of at90s8515 as example where you have a
> simulated hardware register which is piped to a named unix pipe.
Yes, that's what i am using now. Great! 

> But I am wondering why you do not use the normal gdb debugger with
> breakpoints? This works fine, if not please write a mail :-)
The code does debug and info outputs and i just wanted to keep getting them. 
On the real device this is sent via rs232, but i the emulated rs232 is 
slower, has the problems with the special chars. I just like the pipe 
thing :-) And since my rs232 code is not the one i have problems with i don't 
care if it isn't included in the simulation.

And yes, of course i'll be using the debugger. That's the whole point of using 


Dr.-Ing. Till Harbaum                       Tel.:  +49 721 4998963
BeeCon GmbH                                 Fax:   +49 721 4998962
Haid-und-Neu Strasse 7, 76131 Karlsruhe     Mobil: +49 179 9087904

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