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Re: [Simulavr-devel] gdbinit for raising interrupts.

From: Marko Panger
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] gdbinit for raising interrupts.
Date: Sun, 02 Nov 2003 22:57:09 +0100
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Here is the file...

Is the patch you are talking about included in the latest version from CVS ?

Theodore A. Roth wrote:

On Sun, 2 Nov 2003, Marko Panger wrote:

Yesterday night I tried the latest CVS version with the rising irq patch included and it works great.

1) I just like to ask why the interrupt vector numbering in avr-libc and
the one in the mega128 datasheet isn't the same.  For example timer0
output compare interrupt is on vector nr. 10, according to the datasheet
and if I would like to trigger this interrupt from gdb I have to rise

I think that avr-libc is more concerned with the the address of the vector than number of the interrupt vector. Thus, the RESET vector is at address 0x0000, etc.

At the same time the same interrupt is defined on vector 15 avr-gcc
(__vector_15) ? A little bit confusing or I am just looking at thins from
a bad angle ?

No, it's most definitely confusing. I should really fix it so that irq_<NN> maps into __vector_<NN>. Let me think on that a bit.

Anyway I am able to trigger interrupts and I am just happy ! Thanks.

2) Regarding the timer0 functionality I have made a simple program which stays in a while(2) loop and waits timer0 output comapre function to trigger my interrupt handler but nothing happens.

Can you send me your program? I have a feeling that you might be hitting the problem addressed by this patch:

Ted Roth

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/signal.h>

volatile uint16 i;

/*#                             Main                                            
int main(void) {
    OCR0                = 125;                                                  
                        // set output compare match register, timer tick 1ms
        TCCR0           = (1 << WGM01) + (1 << CS02) + (1 << CS00);     //clear 
on compare match mode, Fclk/128
        TIMSK           |= (1 << OCIE0);                                        
                // enable output compare interrupt
        TCNT0       = 0x00;
    asm volatile("sei");

    while(1) {
        if(i == 123) {
            i = 0x00;
        asm volatile("nop");
        return 0;

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