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[Savannah-hackers] Re: submission of The Aumilius Project - savannah.gnu

From: Mathieu Roy
Subject: [Savannah-hackers] Re: submission of The Aumilius Project -
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 16:43:40 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)

address@hidden said:

> A package was submitted to
> This mail was sent to address@hidden, address@hidden
> Matt Kleffner <address@hidden> described the package as follows:
> License: gpl
> Other License: 
> Package: The Aumilius Project
> System name: aumilius
> Type: GNU
> Description:
> Request for hosting:
> The Aumilius Project
> GNU Free Software for Animated Music
> License: GPL
> Copyright: I would like to see this become a GNU project and I am also 
> interested in signing over copyright to FSF. Is it harder to find developers 
> to join projects if the project creator insists the developers sign over the 
> copyright?

It is hard to tell for me, I do not think so but it depends of the

> Primary goal: To enable creation of animated music, using free
>audio/video codecs, from midi files

This description and the following description confuses me, I do not
clearly get what your program does.

Could you please resubmit your project again with a
detailed technical description?  This should include requirements,
such as programming languages, external libraries, etc.
Half a page will do.

> Secondary goals:
> To encourage Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike animations of public domain 
> and ShareAlike music
> To distribute some of the aforementioned files (does GNU have bandwidth 
> available for this task? I will seek donated space elsewhere as well)

GNU does not have the adequate bandwidth and GNU will not distribute
data that is not free software, like "NonCommercial" data.

> Platform: Python
> Current state: v 0.1 (beta, spaghetti code)
> Proof-of-concept animations and code at:
> Animation file names are listed below instructions
> tar.gz of current code directory is

To release your project under the GPL, you should put
copyright notices and copying permission statements
at the beginning of every source-code file, and
include a copy of the plain text version of the GPL
Put it in a file named COPYING.

Please follow the advice of

The GPL FAQ explain the reason behind these recommendations.  For
example, there is an entry explaining why the GPL requires including a
copy of the GPL with every copy of the program:

> One animation is not distributable - I have not yet obtained permission from 
> the MIDI sequencer for others - please don't distribute these or publish this 
> address

Note that the mailing-list savannah hacker got public archives.


> I am registering the sites and - would the 
> FSF kindly allow me to directly point to these addresses to the GNU project 
> pages if the projects are approved?

It should not be a problem.

Please register your project once more with the changes mentioned
above.  The way we handle pending projects makes it difficult to keep
track of projects that have been answered but have not been approved
yet, so we erase them and we ask you to register the project again every
time some change has to be done to the registration, and users might
have to register their projects several times.  Thank you for your

Some users find it useful to use the big re-registration URL provided in
the acknowledgment e-mail you received after registration.



Mathieu Roy

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