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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Re: savannah svn migration

From: Sylvain Beucler
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Re: savannah svn migration
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2008 20:25:30 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.18 (2008-05-17)


You need to give us the URLs to the dumps for us to import it.

(it documented when you activated SVN in your project, e.g.
check "Import your Subversion tree")

We would be glad to have this step automated; currently this is not


On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 07:03:16PM -0400, David Sugar wrote:
> I had prepared svn dumps for GNU commoncpp, ccscript and ccaudio, as
> they were the first and easiest things for me to migrate from my local
> repo.  However, I found no way to load initial svn dumps remotely once
> activating svn for a project, and saw nothing about doing this last step
> from the faq.  Is this correct???
> Aymeric Moizard wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I'd like to migrate my cvs to svn. I have enabled "svn" checkbox
> > in "selected features" of my project on savannah, but don't have
> > any ideas about the steps I need to migrate the code.
> > 
> > Is there any tutorial? or FAQ dedicated to this topic for savannah
> > projects?
> > 
> > tks for your help,
> > amsip -
> > osip2 -
> > eXosip2 -
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, 9 Jun 2008, David Sugar wrote:
> > 
> >> The simplest way is using cvs2svn.  It usually works very well, and then
> >> you just take the svn dump it generates and reload it to populate a new
> >> svn repository; you have your history, comments, tags, etc.  It is
> >> possible they may be able to help at Savannah with this process.  Karl
> >> has suggested writing address@hidden to discuss this
> >> and related things for migrating packages there.
> >>
> >> My goal is to migrate the repos for all my own packages to svn and
> >> maintain their repos on Savannah in a manner/with capabilities similar
> >> to what I used to do locally since I have a single checkout-local build
> >> system built around doing this with svn in place here.  If I get a spare
> >> machine setup, I could also run an automated tinderbox build system for
> >> osip2/exosip2 along with my stuff that does a checkout/build and then
> >> emails reports if there are build failures on a daily basis.  It would
> >> also be great for validating my packages while in development by
> >> building against the most "current" svn instances of osip2/exosip2
> >> through external reference, since currently I import a prior release
> >> into my local svn (like vendor branches in cvs). It was of course
> >> possible to do all this with just cvs, but it was much easier to setup
> >> and deploy using svn.
> >>
> >> Incidentally, one can use svn as a backend repo for git, and have much
> >> of the benefits of a disconnected/local repository that git offers as
> >> well, for those that prefer the distributed version control model, while
> >> still maintaining a managed central repository.
> >>
> >> Aymeric Moizard wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I would agree to migrate to svn: do you know how?
> >>>
> >>> tks
> >>>
> >>> Aymeric MOIZARD / ANTISIP
> >>> amsip -
> >>> osip2 -
> >>> eXosip2 -
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Sat, 7 Jun 2008, David Sugar wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> I don't think I will get a chance to do this next week, as I do not
> >>>> want
> >>>> to undertake a major reorganization while preparing to meet with the
> >>>> national government of Venezuela the following week of June 16th as I
> >>>> was invited to discuss recognition of Lakotah sovereignty.  However,
> >>>> the
> >>>> week after that I wish to do this if there are no issues expressed by
> >>>> others.  If we can load svn dumps directly through savannah, that
> >>>> may be
> >>>> the easiest way to get the repos set initially correct; I can
> >>>> prep/convert them here as needed, and then reload them.
> >>>>
> >>>> Looking at the question of organization for all my packages, I could
> >>>> keep each module in it's own constituent per-package repository, and
> >>>> aggregate through externals as needed for my make-in-place build, which
> >>>> I could hold in gnucomm's repo.  My release scripts could be
> >>>> modified to
> >>>> tag releases into the correct repo, and I have not needed to do
> >>>> cross-package branches so far.  This I think would be most consistent
> >>>> with common practices...
> >>>>
> >>>> Hmm...I should also be able to reference exosip2/gnu osip2 through
> >>>> externals assuming he is migrated to svn...I will have to discuss that
> >>>> with Aymeric :).
> >>>>
> >>>> Werner Dittmann wrote:
> >>>>> +1 from me.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Plase use the HTTP(S) based method to access to SVN repo, not
> >>>>> the svn:// protocol. Most enterprise firewalls/proxies support
> >>>>> the HTTP(S) but not the svn:// protocol.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Regards,
> >>>>> Werner
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> David Sugar schrieb:
> >>>>>> I noticed svn has became available on Savannah, and I wish to migrate
> >>>>>> ccrtp to it as soon as possible, since I prefer stiching together my
> >>>>>> local build trees from external (svn) repo references whenever
> >>>>>> possible,
> >>>>>> and in general I prefer svn to cvs.  Is there any reasons we
> >>>>>> should not
> >>>>>> do this?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Karl, I have a separate question; is it possible to have cvs2svn ran
> >>>>>> when changing to enabling svn for a project?

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