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Re: [RULE] Proposal/Vision: The Rule Desktop

From: Eugene Wong
Subject: Re: [RULE] Proposal/Vision: The Rule Desktop
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2004 22:22:04 -0800

From: "Rodolfo J. Paiz" <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [RULE] Proposal/Vision: The Rule Desktop
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 12:13:53 -0600

At 15:24 2/22/2004, you wrote:

Would you mind if I sent you mail off-list discussing some specific problems? The website on which I am working on is my first, and so there are some CSS/PHP/MySQL things I am attempting to learn. I'd be grateful for any help.

I don't mind. That should be fine. If anybody has any questions that they would like to ask off-list, then you are welcome to ask as well. Just be sure to give a good subject line to prevent your email from accidentally being deleted as spam.

OK. RULE's disk quota has just been increased from 100MB (of which 73MB is in use) to 1,000MB. Also, traffic graphs showed January usage to be just under 1GB of traffic that month, so I have increased the traffic limit from 5GB/month to 50GB/month.

So, just to be sure that I understand you, you are interested in offering a customized copy of OOo?

Also, do you have to pay by the KB?

I was thinking that this could be an opportunity to sell OOo. Perhaps you could sell a cheaper version to people for only a few dollars [or whatever currency], because it would still be cheaper than downloading the entire software package. The idea is to help gather funds to support the cause & to get a little profit as well. The reason that I suggest that you do it, is because you are already offering web space, & because you are in Germany. Offering this from North America might make the download longer. I think that my company might offer web space 1 day. I don't know.

Another idea might be to have a link right beside the download link. This other link could be a way of placing an order for a CD ROM of OOo. This price should be cheaper in total [including shipping], than downloading. I don't know how easy or hard that is. It might be worth it for RULE to do this to raise funds.

To add to this idea, it might be interesting to try to install OOo to a CD ROM directory, so that when the user wants to run OOo, he would just insert the CD ROM, & mount it on a /opt subdirectory instead of the standard /mnt/cdrom. This way a user who has only 200-300 MB hard drive space can run OOo.

I think that it would be worth trying to sell OOo, because there are few upgrades. Thus the CD ROM would stay "new" for quite some time.

Sincerely, & with thanks,
Eugene T.S. Wong

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