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[Rule-list] test reports and benchmarks

From: hairylarry
Subject: [Rule-list] test reports and benchmarks
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 17:08:04 -0500


Here's my idea. We make a test program that benchmarks rule 
installs. For instance after a successful slinky install I could run this 
program. The user would be prompted to enter his test pc number 
which would be printed at the top of the report. All results would be 
dumped to a test file with a time stamp in the filename. Perhaps even 
in a format that would easily import into mysql.

The program would detect disksizes, memory installed, etc. and 
write this info to the file.

Then it would run some simple benchmarks on disk speed, cpu mips 
and flops, etc. and write this info to the file.

Finally it would time some program loads and unloads, possibly even 
some programs running scripts. These should be programs in the 
rule install of course. It would record start and stop time and write 
this info to the file.

Perhaps the install logs should be included. If slinky wrote a version 
specific stamp to the install log we could automatically detect which 
version of slinky did the install and include that. Otherwise the user 
will have to enter this important information.

We probably want to record disk usage too. And probably some 
other stuff I haven't thought about.

Then there would have to be an easy procedure for importing this into 
a test database. Maybe emailing it to address@hidden

Then all test results, fully benchmarked, would be available for 
viewing on the web page without any key work at all.

The first step, of course, would to be to look at existing linux 
benchmark programs. Anyone have any suggestions?

All comments are appreciated.



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