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[RP] window list

From: Brian May
Subject: [RP] window list
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2007 21:26:04 +1000
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)

Several quick thoughts:

1. The window list is close to unusable when some windows have
excessively long titles. This can happen if one of the titles is a web
browser that is visiting a web page that has a very long
title. e.g. www.connex.com.au

This means (unless I have a wide screen and even then it can sometimes
be a problem) the numbers on the left are pushed off the screen, and
you can't tell when number to use to go to a particular screen.

2. Often I want to go to a window quickly, and know some of the text
in the title, but not all of it. If I have many windows open, it
sometimes can take a while for me to manually search the list for the
Windows I want to go to.

It would be good if I could somehow use Ctrl+S style searching that
only shows results that match the search term entered and highlights
where the match occurred.

Yes, I know, I can use "C-t c" to open up a new terminal window, then
"ratpoison -c windows | grep term", then close the window and use "C-t
number" but I am lazy and this is too much typing ;-).

3. C-t C-t to go to other window is really useful. Sometimes I want to
go to the 3rd or 4th last window I visited though.

I am still thinking about these, but just my thoughts so
Brian May <address@hidden>

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