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Re: [RP] :screens patch (was :lsheads)

From: Cameron Patrick
Subject: Re: [RP] :screens patch (was :lsheads)
Date: Sat Feb 21 21:02:02 2004
User-agent: Mutt/

twb wrote:

| Yay!  I made the :lsheads patch I wanted.  For some reason I renamed
| it to :screens.

Looks good.  The bit of your patch that introduces screen_dump() is
broken though.  I've attached a non-broken patch.

| I kept the trailing comma for consistency with :fdump.

(You mean the one that says, "FIXME: Oooh, gross!"? :-P)

| Here's the diff.  I whittled it a bit after cvs was done, so no guarantees.
| Is there a way to do incremental diffs (i.e. say `cvs diff, ignoring
| stuff from these other .diffs')?

Yeah.  Don't use CVS :-)

I'm using GNU arch (Debian package `tla') to manage my ratpoison
changes.  The neat thing about arch is that it's distributed, so you
can branch from my own ratpoison--xinerama branch and make changes
without needing write access to my repo; and we can trivially merge
changes back and forth between our different arch archives without
losing history.  See http://www.gnuarch.org/ for more Arch propaganda,
in particular http://wiki.gnuarch.org/moin.cgi/Quick_20Introduction :-)

Five-step intro to arch:
# apt-get install tla
$ tla register-archive http://arch.cp.yi.org/2004-public
$ tla abrowse address@hidden
[...see a list of categories and branches in my archive...]
$ tla get address@hidden/ratpoison--cp--1.3
(hack ratpoison for a bit)
$ tla changes --diffs

| Is there a reason Cameron's Xinerama patch isn't in CVS?

No idea.


Attachment: twb_ratpoison_screens.patch
Description: Text document

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