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[Protux-devel] TrackPanel and MTP deprecated

From: Remon Sijrier
Subject: [Protux-devel] TrackPanel and MTP deprecated
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 23:40:46 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2

Hi all,

Very in contrast to the current development plan (MUE) I got some *great* 
idea, and so Protux now doesn't have a TrackPanel and MTP anymore.
This is one of the changes I have/had in mind to make redrawing/recreating the 
Songs/Tracks/TrackPanels more transparent.
A user shouldn't notice to much difference on the Interface, the only thing 
which is directly visible is the "splitter" between the (formerly) MTP and 
MTA. Now it is a custom made splitter to have a clear separation between the 
trackPanelArea and ClipArea. These areas are both fictive, they are just 
properies of MTA and Track now.

You can still move this splitter, move the mouse Upon the Splitter, you will 
then see a move left/right cursor.
Type [ D ] and move your mouse. Its terribly slow at the moment, but its 
working ;-)

So the main reason for this change was for development transparency. Please, 
if you want to recreate stuff do it the following way:

Recreating the whole MTA area:

Recreating the whole TrackPanelArea:

Recreating the whole CipArea:

Recreating all Tracks:
mta->recreate_tracks(); (== mta->recreate() except the locator, rootspace and 
splitter aren't recreated)

Recreating the locator:

You can of course call the recreate routines of a single Track if needed.
track->recreate(); (== both 2 actions above)

If you think you found a bug, like something isn't painted as before or 
something else, please let me know.

The next step on drawing stuff is to have certain things double buffered, like 
a Clip has its own PixMap. In case of a drag-and-drop, the Clips PixMap is 
moved instead of repainted. This is one of the most challenging problem in 
this area. I want to first get used to it by having PixMaps for stuff like 
Clip names, Track names etc., since drawing text on a pixmap is terribly 
expensive. If this is done buffered on a PixMap, resizing and zooming should 
be much more responsive since expensive drawText() calls omitted :-)
If it appears to be working, and I have some time I will have a look at the 
Clips pixmap. Just future stuff ;-)

Well, thats it for now, have a nice day and thanks for your time.


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