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[Protux-devel] JACK or NOT JACK, thats the question..

From: Luciano Giordana
Subject: [Protux-devel] JACK or NOT JACK, thats the question..
Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 9:15:54 -0300

hi guys..

When we talk about Jack or not Jack, we are actually talking about threaded
architeture or pooled architeture.

I personal think that making  pooled streaming is an antique approach. Most
of modern applications need thread stuff, so Jack should have been implement
as a threaded server. Think : You do not download a piece of html each 20 ms
from a http server!!! you just create a thread and get the entire html !

Alsa is thread safe, they say. So why jack didnt take benefit of it ? I
really dont agree to make MADM pooled JUST to talk to Jack. We can think
about a layer of compatibility someday, but, honestly guys, I dont plan to
make MADM pooled,not at all!

This is an old discussion, we always endup in this point. Maybe we should
consider work only with native alsa, and make MADM an ALTERNATIVE to JAck.
Jack is intended to offer ALSA abstraction, MADM too.. MADM API is FAR MORE
SIMPLE to use than Jack. So why we should behave like client when we can be
server ?? We should be searching ways to make MADM more robust, not less
robust, and dependent of another engine.



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