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Re: You've find someone to help you develloping pingus!

From: Nicolas Brouet
Subject: Re: You've find someone to help you develloping pingus!
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2003 19:55:56 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

> There's much to do if you want. You could take a look at the bug list
> or if you prefer you may just take a random look in the code and try to
> improve it (there are still large parts that could use a clean rewrite). As
> a start you could grep for FIXME and see wheter you've got an idea how to
> improve things.

Ok i'll watch the code for the moment... I'm a little bit tired becaused of 
the new year's celebration, this is the most efficient thing i can do for the 

> > So?  Ok I devellop my story?
> The basic idea is nice - the Pingus lost their brain due to something and
> the player has to lead them over a dangerous route to a place where they
> may be healed - I wouldn't put it into the Linux vs. Windows area.
> If you could try to flesh out the theme with some more details that would
> be really great. The game should consist of a set of worlds defining an
> overall theme for every level in it. Finishing a world should probably be
> equal to reaching a key point in the story which could provide some
> background to the gameplay, e.g. after finishing a world you gain something
> that allows the Pingus to survive in a world which has a desert theme...
> If you have completely different ideas - just post them to the list.

First the Linux/Windows area, that was a silly idea, I know...But most "tux" 
games designed for linux use this...I'll find another theme when i can, and 
improve it... But i can't do a level-organised story, because of many things:
Levels aren't finished, aren't may be in the right order... So i can't do it 
for the moment...


Post Scriptum: Excuse me again for my poor and naughty english

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