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Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Re: patches for trunk (was Switching from

From: Dave Hall
Subject: Re: [phpGroupWare-developers] Re: patches for trunk (was Switching from phpGroupware to eGroupware ?)
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 08:43:57 +1000

On Mon, 2008-09-22 at 05:50 -0700, Sigurd Nes wrote:
> Quote:
> > Sigurd has already stated his conditions here for making such
> patches available.  I think that it is a real shame that Sigurd would
> rather see trunk be unusable and win some stupid point scoring game
> rather than get on with the job of making trunk releasable.
> Obviously it is the other way around:)
> The trunk is now not very usable....
> I think that it is Dave that has his stupid point scoring game going -
> but there is no point in trying to argue - as he has never once
> deviated from his religious kind of dogmatic arguments - he simply
> can't be wrong. 

Oh I am so sorry, I was wrong on the following:

 * Switching to UTF8 for real i18n support
 * Making cloning the db object an independent connection to the db
 * Checking licenses before using code
 * Implementing proper input sanitation
 * Adding support for proper debugging of code
 * Switching to PHP5
 * Ensuring we comply with GNU Project guidelines
 * Getting gSoC students to work on generic functionality
 * Not relying on out dated anti patterns

These are things all supported by the community, so are you saying that
the phpGW community has "never once deviated from [its] religious kind
of dogmatic arguments - [it] simply can't be wrong"?

I think it is more that you can't handle not getting your own way.  Like
others in the community I am more than happy to have the debate and then
live with the result.  I don't continue to raise the same issue over and
over again when the project's position is clear.

As has been pointed out to you in the past, we strive for elegant
thought out solutions - not dirty hacks.  Maybe you need to look back at
your proposals in this context to see why there has been little support
for your positions.  Personal attacks don't further your cause either.

> He'd rather see the system go down the toilet. (No wonder why people
> has left the project)


People who want/need something else are free to choose a different road.
I think there are people still in the project who share a vision of
developing a quality collaboration platform.


Dave Hall (aka skwashd)
Coordinator - Community Building
e address@hidden
j address@hidden
sip address@hidden
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