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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] iDots Template (was: DotGNU 0.1 CD-ROM ava

From: Dan Kuykendall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] iDots Template (was: DotGNU 0.1 CD-ROM available from
Date: Wed, 05 Nov 2003 22:45:52 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030901 Thunderbird/0.2

Lars Kneschke wrote:

Dave(one of

leaders) and seek3r(another leader of your project) did jump in our
and tell people shit about us. And do not tell about literati was in your
channel and did tell shit too. literati is no offical leader of our
Hold it just a second. I never got in your channel and talked crap about you guys. I was in the channel and was trying to answer questions about what phpGW and egroupware are, but I did not denegrade your project or speak negatively that I recall. Dave was, but what he says is his
SO if you have an IRC log of me talking crap in your channel, then post it. Otherwise I would appreciate a retraction to what you have said I did.

from #phpgroupware on the day where dave jumped in our channel

[21:59:24] < skwashd > Seek3r: milosch has joined EGO
[21:59:30] < Seek3r > LOL!!!
[21:59:32] < ajmitch > getting undisclosed xmlrpclib errors
[21:59:33] < Seek3r > thats fantastic
[21:59:41] < skwashd > Seek3r: yeah
[21:59:48] < skwashd > group?where? dies
[21:59:50] < Seek3r > ajmitch: such as?
[22:00:00] < skwashd > so he goes and wrecks another project ;)
[22:00:58] < Seek3r > wonder if he will become a mad coder again
[22:01:06] < Seek3r > for awhile he was very productive in the project
[22:01:09] < skwashd > Seek3r: he is still mad
[22:01:13] < Seek3r > he just isnt all that clean of a coder
[22:01:16] < skwashd > and his code is crap
[22:01:25] < Seek3r > I was trying to be nice about it
[22:01:35] < skwashd > Seek3r: fsck being nice
[22:01:39] < Seek3r > lol
[22:01:43] < Seek3r > email me your irc log
[22:01:46] < Seek3r > would love to read it
[22:01:48] < skwashd > i will
[22:01:59] < skwashd > still logging :)
[22:02:08] < skwashd > the comments after i left were the best
[22:02:17] < Seek3r > Imin there now
[22:02:20] < Seek3r > how are you logging?
[22:02:20] < skwashd > they were too gutless to say it to my face
[22:02:23] < skwashd > i know
[22:02:32] < skwashd > are no questions here no lies

As a leader of your project you tolerated that another leader of your
project was doing crap in our  channel. Non of our leaders did that ever in
your channel. Since we have our own channel, we were never in the #phpgw
channel again.
You said that *I* jumped in *your* channel and talked crap. The best you could come up with was me joking in our channel. I DID NOT go into your channel and talk any crap about you guys or your project, and by the time I got in there Dave was done as well so I did not see it first hand.

Also what I said in our channel wasnt even that bad. One thing to note, when I say "wonder if he will become a mad coder again", Im talking about him being the borg, and using mad as slang for insane/unstoppable... which is why the following line talks about his productivity. At this point I hadnt even seen what Dave had been saying in your channel. I did get to read it eventually and I think he basicly embarrased himself by just going overboard, and I have rebuked him to a light degree in some of the other replys to this thread. Its also why I am seperating his comments from me, because I did not say them and I do not agree with how he has handled things. As far as me tolerating what he did... what more am I to do than to disagree with him?

But this again goes back to your mistatement about me going into your channel and talking crap. I did not and I have no intention of doing anything like that. Yet you repeated on our mailing list that I had, and even banned me from your channel. I didnt do anything to deserve the lies or the banning.


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