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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] commit folders module

From: Alex Borges
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] commit folders module
Date: 03 Nov 2003 15:56:21 -0600

Id dump it to head, then if noone tests it, screams, hollers, put it
into 16.

Ive seen it, it looks sweet. But that is the way most people like to do
it, first in head, then back. It gives the best potential for it to be
previously tested before going into the other branch....but, i mean, as
u like, i wouldnt mind seeing it in 16 at all.


On Mon, 2003-11-03 at 14:02, Philipp Kamps wrote:
> Hi,
> the folders module is relative stable. I still have a lot
> of ideas to improve it but I think it is the right moment
> to share and commit the actual source code.
> I'm unsure of the way you want me to commit the source
> code; that's why I'd like to ask before I mess up our CVS ;-)
> I would import the source as a new module for the phpgw
> using following cvs command:
> "cvs import -m "initial import into CVS" folders Version-0_9_16-brach
> start"
> Please let me know if this is alright with you. Thanks.
> Cheers, fips
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