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Re: [pdf-devel] Extracting documentation from sources

From: jemarch
Subject: Re: [pdf-devel] Extracting documentation from sources
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2008 15:05:20 +0200
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Hi Juan Pedro.

   > I would be happy to introduce the use of such a tool in GNU PDF but,
   > due to the workflow we use (first design the API of the module and
   > document it in the refman, then implement it) we really need to have
   > some place to document the API before to write any code. If we can
   > find a solution for this then to use a doxygen-like tool would be
   > really useful. Any idea?

   I think that one could start designing the API by writting a sketch of the
   .h header file with all the documentation and functions and type
   declarations. Once the API design is approved, one can tune that up (in
   most cases that file would need almost no modifications) and then start
   writting the .c implementation.

Hm, that may work. What do the other people think about this? 

   I don't know if the docbook to texi conversion is very traumatic,
   but I prefer Doxygen to Gdoc. It allows to document many things and
   generates very nice output -in my opinion the HTML documentation
   generated by GDOC lacks many cross-references links and such that
   Doxygen does generate and makes the documentation a pleasure to

I would prefer to use doxygen. We can generate texinfo from it and it
has a lot of support.

   PS: How is the stream new API going? :)

Ouch. It had to be ready a week ago (shame on me)! As soon as possible

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