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RE: [Paperclips-discuss] Log Formats

From: ralhan
Subject: RE: [Paperclips-discuss] Log Formats
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 02:29:40 +0530

        I see... If you feel that way you should probably send a mail to the
        Servlet spec lead. You'll find the address on the front of the spec.
i told u this becuase i thought u were/are one of influencing people who can
if c point in this
can point to servlet spec lead (after all few people are more equal than
others -- orwell)

        The problem with what you are proposing is that people want to do all
        sorts of different things. Some servlets don't want to log anything
        and others want to log everything.

Well what i am saying is that atleast logging of steps from request transfer
form webserver  to making that servlet accessible by container should have
same format.i guess it should be logged anyways by any servlet container and
in a same format.Probably in that direction paperclips can start with
standards as apache.If we can have all servlet container logging (which is
done by container and is not pertaining specific servlet)in a specific
format which is configurable , then i think we can propose than to
specification lead.

Rest i think string one for time being is cool
and i will try to poke through WebLog file to c how can i manager to have it
work with custom logformats
what say

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