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Re: [Pan-users] Groups marked as 'unread' while no unread articles are v

From: Duncan
Subject: Re: [Pan-users] Groups marked as 'unread' while no unread articles are visible
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2017 14:38:26 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Pan/0.143 (Quaint little villages here and there; 75a9fd3d2)

Mateusz Viste posted on Mon, 25 Sep 2017 07:17:23 +0000 as excerpted:

> Hello, I noticed that sometimes groups are being marked as "unread" by
> Pan, for example with "2" unread articles, but when I actually enter the
> group, no unread articles are unread. Clicking on the icon "go to next
> article" also yields no result.
> I suspect this is related to some new-but-hidden-because-in-killfile
> articles being present.
> Has anyone else observed such behavior? Is there any known work-around?

Ignore really does just that, except it still counts as unread, because 
pan doesn't mark it read or delete it, so the thing is hidden but still 
shows as unread.

But yes there's a workaround.  Configure mark-read or delete for messages 
scoring as ignored, in actions.

One possibility is to set ignored posts to delete, and messages scoring 
less than zero (but not to -9999/ignored) as mark-read.  That way, you 
can still show the low scoring but not entirely killed ones if someone 
replies to them and want to see the original message they replied to.

Other possibilities include setting the mark group read on exit option, 
thus clearing any ignored or low scoring articles as well, and doing it 
all manually, by (possibly temporarily) setting view low and ignored 
messages too, so you can mark them read or delete them.  That's what I 
used to do before actions.

But there's another possibility for a similar symptom.  According to the 
NNTP spec, the total count reported doesn't have to be entirely accurate, 
simply list as many or more messages than there are (it's a bit more 
complicated than that, but...).  This because a message may be eliminated 
via server-side spam filters or the like, but still be in the count.  
When this happens, you'll see an unread count until you actually enter 
the group after getting headers, at which point pan should adjust to 
what's actually there.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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