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[Nuxeo-localizer] LocalFolder in the CVS!! (0.8.1 coming..)

From: Juan David Ibáñez Palomar
Subject: [Nuxeo-localizer] LocalFolder in the CVS!! (0.8.1 coming..)
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 12:29:16 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020214

I couldn't wait and last night implemented LocalFolder, it's a folder with
two new tabs in the management screens. Quick start:

0. Get Localizer from the CVS, restart your Zope server;

1. Create a LocalFolder instance named, for example, "locale";

2. Go to the management screens and create an attribute (with the first tab),
call it "test";

3. Go to the "Languages" tab and create, for example, two languages: "en"
and "es";

4. Go to the "Contents" tab and create two Python scripts named "test_en"
and "test_es", the first one could return "Hello world!", the second one
could return "¡Hola mundo!";

5. Go to the folder where "locale" lives and create a DTML method named
"locale_test", put inside the code "<dtml-var "locale.test()"> "

6. See the method "locale_test", change the configuration of your browser
to change the language, and reload;

7. :-)

Localizer 0.8.1 will basically be the one that is in the CVS. The "locale folders" feature of the Localizer meta type are deprecated since now, but they will still
be available in Localizer 0.8.1, they will be removed in Localizer 0.8.2

The way to upgrade will be:

1. upgrade to Localizer 0.8.1;

2. switch from the "locale folders" of the Localizer meta type to the new
"LocalFolder" meta type;

3. upgrade to 0.8.2

So 0.8.1 can be seen as a transition version to 0.8.2, if you want to start the
transition now you can using the CVS. This only affects people that is using
the Localizer meta type. The file "UPGRADE.txt" includes more details.

I would really appreciate if somebody could check out from the CVS and
test LocalFolder.


J. David Ib??ez,
Python programmer (

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