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[Nmh-workers] ready for a new 1.1RC ?

From: pmaydell
Subject: [Nmh-workers] ready for a new 1.1RC ?
Date: Mon, 14 Nov 2005 00:30:34 +0000

Josh Bressers wrote:
>This is a good list, thanks.  I've filed bug 14940
>to track the needed tasks for the 1.2 release.

Well, we've fixed all the bugs on that list, and nobody's come forward
with anything else they want fixed. So I think we're ready to try for
a 1.1RC5. Jon, assuming you agree, could you do that, please?

Incidentally, is it possible to add things to the list of valid values
for the 'Item Group' for bugs in the savannah system? (I'm guessing this
is a 'project admins only' action). At the moment there's just 'None'...
I think that for categorising bugs it would be helpful to have something
 Code cleanup, Enhancement, Documentation error, Bug, Other
(perhaps also 'Platform-specific' for things which are MacOSX only
or HPUX only?)


-- PMM

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