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[Monotone-devel] popen replacement

From: William Uther
Subject: [Monotone-devel] popen replacement
Date: Sun, 18 Feb 2007 20:44:04 +1100

Hi all,

A while ago I came across the fact that popen was disabled in the Lua hooks in monotone for security reasons. Here is a patch that replaces it with a security conscious version (like spawn() replaces execute()). The 'security consciousness' is simply accepting the command as an array of arguments rather than a single string to be parsed by the shell.

Returning a FILE* from C functions in Lua is tricky (there is a Lua FAQ on just this). This wasn't working for a while, then it was, and I don't understand what changed. If someone wants to look at that, I wouldn't mind. It would be good if people could test it on a bunch of different systems too...

I've only implemented this on Unix. I have no windows knowledge or ability to test.

I'm assuming that attaching a patch to an email to the list is the correct way to submit this. Let me know if there is something else I should do.

Attachment: spawn_pipe.patch
Description: Binary data

BTW, I'm using this on MacOS X to store my password securely in the system keychain. In particular, I have this in my monotonerc:

function get_passphrase(keypair_id)
        procfin, procfout, pid = spawn_pipe("getPassword", "monotoneKey")
        pass, errstr = procfout:read()
        if (pid ~= -1) then ret, pid = wait(pid) end
        return pass

Where getPassword is the following shell script:

/usr/bin/security find-generic-password -ga $1 2>&1 > /dev/null | /sw/ bin/sed -r -e 's/password: \"(.*)\"/\1/'

You set the password by launching "Keychain Access" from the Utilities folder and click on the little + at the bottom of the window. The Account Name is "monotoneKey", and the password is the password. :)


Will         :-}

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