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Re: [Mldonkey-users] Development?

From: Brett Dikeman
Subject: Re: [Mldonkey-users] Development?
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 11:56:09 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.1

> That's quite true, there are plans for a new version, but mldonkey
> (b8_bavard on IRC) is away until 3 sept, and Simon (the one from
> Changelog) is in family atm ;-) Nevertheless there are plans for a new
> release (including a new gui). There are some people out there testing
> this new version already (including me). So it has reached some kind of
> stable-state, yet i don't know wether it will be released in the
> devel-branch or as new stable.

It would be -incredibly- foolish to release directly to "stable" without
proper release procedures involving substantial testing from the user
community.  Ie, you're testing alpha now- move to beta, then to release
candidate.  Of course, this also means you're going to have to actually work
to fix the bugs that are discovered- instead of constantly adding mostly
useless shiny things.  It does not matter how nice a car looks if you can only
get into it from the sunroof.

Until you guys start taking releases seriously, everyone's going to view your
releases, and hence the mldonkey project in general, for what it always is-
unstable, bug-riddled, with major missing functionality problems.

The haphazard releasing of new versions has caused numerous problems in the
past, and users have expressed incredible frustration at both quality of
releases and versioning schemes.

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