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Re: [Mldonkey-users] eMule Mod to emulate mldonkey

From: MLdonkey
Subject: Re: [Mldonkey-users] eMule Mod to emulate mldonkey
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 11:07:48 +0100

>  And once again. Here are my stats from the last night:
>  Uptime: 34592 seconds (0+09:36)
>        Client| seen     |  Downloads       |  Uploads        |  Banned
>  ------------+----------+------------------+-----------------+----------
>  Total       | 5708     | 1554.8  46.0     | 209.44  6.2     | 171   3%
>  eDonkey     |  639  11%|  356.2  10.5  23%|                 |   0   0%
>  old mldonkey|  115   2%|   47.4   1.4   3%|                 |   2   2%
>  new mldonkey|  247   4%|  149.1   4.4  10%|                 |   0   0%
>  Overnet     |  169   3%|  149.1   4.4  10%|                 |   0   0%
>  old eMule   |    0   0%|    0.0   0.0   0%|                 |   0 nan%
>  new eMule   | 4538  80%|  853.0  25.3  55%|                 | 169   4%
>  And please don't insist a quota system with hard boundaries would be
>  fair.

You would like soft boundaries ? OK, we can probably change the
number of upload slots for emule depending on the downloads we have
from them. This way, it is some kind of community credit system :)

My stats:
            Total downloads:          299684534
                    eDonkey:          265342582 (88.54 %)
               old mldonkey:            1904640 (0.64 %)
               new mldonkey:           22044265 (7.36 %)
                    Overnet:                  0 (0.00 %)
                  old eMule:                  0 (0.00 %)
                  new eMule:           10393047 (3.47 %)
                     server:                  0 (0.00 %)
           trusted mldonkey:                  0 (0.00 %)
I should allocate 4% of my 10 (ie 0) slots for emule, is that right ?
Even with the fake-mldonkey mod, they would only have one slot... 
So, the 1/3 slots is not that bad in my case. 

I think we should stop this flame war. The quota system has one good
point for it: mldonkey users cannot say anymore that emule clients
take all the slots, since some of the slots are always available for
mldonkey clients. If you don't download, it's not their fault anymore.

Now, we have a lot of work to improve other parts of mldonkey. The GUI
can benefit from the new source-management (to better display file
availability in particular). We should also think about trying to
implement the extended protocol of emule, or at least the interesting
parts (corruption detection on smaller blocks, sources propagation).

Another interesting idea would be to separate the process which
computes md4 of chunks from mldonkey. This way, someone could restart
its mldonkey without restarting the other process, so that the md4s
would be computed less often.

- MLDonkey

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