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Re: lynx-dev Converting HTML to Text with Lynx

From: David Combs
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Converting HTML to Text with Lynx
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 07:02:24 -0800

On Mon, Jan 10, 2000 at 11:30:01AM -0800, address@hidden wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Philip Webb wrote:
> >000110 Klaus Weide wrote:
> >> 000109 John Powell wrote:
> >>> Is there anyway to get LYNX (lynx -dump ...) to convert HTML to Text
> >>> without putting in the [link] notations throughout the document
> >-- snip --
> >> What [link] notations?  In general you cannot completely eliminate them,
> >> tbut they probably shouldn't be there for "good" HTML.
> >
> >maybe he means link numbers,
> >which can be suppressed using  lynx.cfg  or the Options Menu.
> This has been discussed before.  
> It seems to me and at least on other lynx-dev reader that it makes sense to
> NEVER show link numbers in -dump mode, since they only make sense for 
> interactive use.  I'm not sure if this has been fixed, since I admit that I am
> not seeing the problem anymore..  That is, my daily emailed imdb (done via
> a crontab entry that calls lynx on the page and mails it to me) doesn't have
> link numbers anymore, and I _don't_ have a -nonumber_links or whatever it's
> called.  I do have a "-crawl" and don't remember why I have that so it's
> probably related to this.
> Sorry for the rambling, but basically, just another vote for making link
> numbers never show up in -dump mode.

Then for the cases where people DO want them, you need to add
an option "list" (unless it's already there).

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