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Re: LYNX-DEV copyright statement in lynx version info

From: Foteos Macrides
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV copyright statement in lynx version info
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 18:02:58 -0500 (EST)

address@hidden (Scott McGee (Personal)) wrote:
>I compiled Lynx from yesterday afternoon's code set with the SSL stuff in, and
>in the process of testing it, did a lynx -version which responds:
>Lynx Version 2.7
>(c)1997 GNU General Public License
>Should the copyright part be changed to something more like:
>Lynx Version 2.7
>Copyright 1997 Lynx Developers Group (See the GNU General Public License)
>or even
>Lynx Version 2.7
>Copyright 1997 Foteos Macrides (see the GNU General Public License for details)

        My predisposition is to leave it vague, because there are no
teeth in the copyright(s) under the current circumstances.  When v2.7
if "officially released" on the 15th, the libwwwFM will be encompassed
by the CERN copyright for the v2.14 libwww, which is included in the
distribution, and is equivalent to a GNU GPL.  The rest of the code is
encompassed by the UKans 1995 copyright, under the GNU GPL, with the
qualifier, stated therein, that contributors (as opposed to "work done
for hire" by Ukans personnel) retain copyright on their contributions
(but also place it under the GNU GPL by virtue of inclusion in the
Lynx distribution).


 Foteos Macrides            Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research
 address@hidden         222 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
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