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Re: [Ltib] openssl

From: Stuart Hughes
Subject: Re: [Ltib] openssl
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 09:28:49 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080707)

Hi Mark,

The content in the GPP is uploaded independently from the source references. This is just an indication that Freescale (internally) are referencing a later version. Unless they submit patches to the public forum their updates won't make it into the public Savannah LTIB CVS.

--- dist/lfs-5.1/openssl/openssl.spec   5 Dec 2008 16:32:15 -0000       1.3
+++ dist/lfs-5.1/openssl/openssl.spec   25 Jan 2010 09:24:37 -0000
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@

 Summary         : Secure Sockets Layer toolkit
 Name            : openssl
-Version         : 0.9.8g
+Version         : 0.9.8k
 Release         : 1

I don't have their latest spec file, but if you want to try, it may just be a case of making the following change (in the current spec) and then re-building:

What I don't know though is how many of the current patches for 0.9.8g are still relevant and if they are whether they need forward porting.

It's not so much that using a newer version is a bad idea, rather that it may be a lot of effort for little gain. Unless you need the newer version, there's little point. The effort I speak of is:

* migrating patches (and doing the analysis to decide that)
* collateral dependent package upgrades.

Maybe it's worth asking Freescale to post their upgraded spec file.

Regards, Stuart

Mark Bishop wrote:

Also, one thing I have noticed is that the most recent version in the GPP is 0.98k but when I do a ./ltib -m listpkgs it gives lists version 0.98g. I am trying to figure out how to get the newer versions straight from the GPP in ltib (and then do a patch/spec file if need be). I am sure the procedure is in the documentation on the website. I am still sifting through it.

I guess I could just download/compile it all manually if I can't figure out how to get this to work in ltib, but it wouldn't be as fun.

And this ltib version came from a Freescale BSP. I am using the older ltib, I just want a newer openssl. Unless someone says it is a bad idea.

Quoting Mark Bishop <address@hidden>:


 Changes between 0.9.8k and 0.9.8l  [5 Nov 2009]

  *) Disable renegotiation completely - this fixes a severe security
     problem (CVE-2009-3555) at the cost of breaking all
     renegotiation. Renegotiation can be re-enabled by setting
     run-time. This is really not recommended unless you know what
     you're doing.
     [Ben Laurie]

They have also started to release the 1.0 Beta's.

Quoting Stuart Hughes <address@hidden>:

Hi Mark,

It's always good to get updates. If you get it ported, please post your patch/spec file to the list.

BTW: what's changed for this later version?

Regards, Stuart

Mark Bishop wrote:
I am going to deploy the most recent openssl with ltib. I am going to start with the current .spec file for the version that is in there. Is this something that would be worthwhile to upload to the ltib project or should I not worry about it?

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