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Re: [Ltib] LTIB platform choice menu change

From: Stuart Hughes
Subject: Re: [Ltib] LTIB platform choice menu change
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2010 08:53:58 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080707)

Hi Jim,

What Ted says will work, but you should really do:

$ ./ltib -m distclean

This will clean up any current builds you have.  Once done, just run:

$ ./ltib

And you will get the initial menu where you can choose from the available platforms.

In case you missed it, I sent some html markups of the documents (under doc) that explain adding a new platform, here's the link:

Regards, Stuart

Jim Chargin wrote:
I'd like to add a new hardware platform, but be able to choose either the old platform or the new platform.

I see that a new platform choice can be added to .../ltib.../config/main.lkc, but I can't figure out how to get ltib to present this menu.

When I first got ltib from the ISO, for the MPC8313erdb, I don't remember getting this menu either.

How can I get LTIB to allow me to choose among various platforms, and when I do make a choice, how does that choice get remembered?

James E. Chargin Jr.
for AJA Video Systems, Inc.


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