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Re: Extra space after punctuation marks

From: Franck Arnaud
Subject: Re: Extra space after punctuation marks
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 96 13:17:54 GMT

In message <address@hidden> Blake McBride writes:

> As you know, it is customary and proper to put extra space after 
> punctuation marks which end sentences.

This is arguable. As you noted, this custom does not exist at all in some 
other languages (eg French). Even in English, your assertion that it is 
"proper" is debatable, I've heard that this was an old fashion custom 
that was not considered worth using anymore in modern typography (this 
is hearsay though, and I'd be pleased to see a definite typographical 
reference on whether or not it is a good idea in modern typography).

I've just got a quick look around at a few publications likely to be 
designed by experienced typographers and none seems to do that.

In the case modern typography would have condemned this old custom, it 
would seem odd to see Lout with a feature to promote bad taste. If 
both are deemed acceptable typographical customs, then it could be an 
option, but maybe not the default.

> Fact 1:  Lout retains interword spaces

Which I personally find slightly annoying, so there's certainly room for 
an option to ignore them.

> Solution 1:  Don't ever end a sentence within a paragraph at the end of a 
> source line.
> This way you always have the opportunity to put the two spaces.
> Solution 2:  End sentences like sentence Two above with "  ".

Solution 3: Use a text editor that treats paragraphs as a single logical line, 
that is place a physical newline only at the end of a paragraph (and wrap the 
paragraph-line to the width of the text editor window or screen of course). 
Even Windows' Notepad can do that. This solution does not have the problems of 
solution 1 and 2.

Franck Arnaud <internet address@hidden> <cis 100041,375>

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