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[lmi] Should wxScrolledWindow be scrollable in 'policy_view.xrc'?

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: [lmi] Should wxScrolledWindow be scrollable in 'policy_view.xrc'?
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 22:32:31 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20080708)

'policy_view.xrc' contains:

  <object class="wxScrolledWindow">

This doesn't seem to work for me: I see no scroller. The child
window is clipped, and I can't see all the text controls.

The only way I can see them all is to move the policy-view child
toward the bottom of the MDI parent window, then resize it by
dragging the top of its frame upward. Then, however, I have to
use the parent's scrollbar to view different parts of the
enlarged child; the child itself still has no scrollbar.

I tried changing the parameters thus:

-      <scrollrate>0,10</scrollrate>
+      <scrollrate>10,10</scrollrate>
-      <style>wxTAB_TRAVERSAL</style>
+      <style>wxTAB_TRAVERSAL|wxHSCROLL|wxVSCROLL</style>

but that didn't make a scrollbar appear on the child, either.

I should mention that I'm using wxWidgets-2.8.7 on msw, and that
due to myopia my screen resolution is 800 by 600 (only because
msw no longer offers 640 by 480). And this panel is going to get
bigger: both Wendy and I need to add more controls to it soon.

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