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Re: Moderating input

From: Bob Proulx
Subject: Re: Moderating input
Date: Sat, 11 Dec 2010 17:15:00 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Karl Berry wrote:
>     If so, I guess the answer is that I should add "listhelper-moderate"
>     as a moderator... Or do you prefer it to be added as an admin?
> In this case, it won't do any good to add it in either place.  Since
> it's on a different host, we'd have to handle it differently anyway.

In my previous message I didn't realize this point.  If it it on a
different host and listhelpers don't have access to that host then it
makes no sense for us to be listed as an administrator.  People would
send help requests to debbugs-submit-owner and we wouldn't be able to
help with it and would just forward those to you.

Whoever is listed as the -owner address should definitely have the
ability to administer things there.

For the moderator I am okay with adding the listhelper in as a
moderator and having the spamassassin robot discard messages
categorized as spam and have it do that for other sites.  But I am
very cautious about allowing this globally.  There is a lot of spam in
the world and I am focusing on the free software piece of it and not
the whole world in total.  It would overwhelm the system.  So in that
spirit is perfectly okay.


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