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Re: [Linphone-developers] linphone android

From: LFitz
Subject: Re: [Linphone-developers] linphone android
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2012 20:37:16 +0200

i all,
sorry guy's but i got allways same problems to compile and run the android stuff.
- So i get the Sourcen via git from and i take the *.apk from link you gave me.
- take the *.so files from apk and send then to
- if i try to compile all is ok eclipe sent projekt to simulator and stop with
  (the application Linphone  (process org.linphone) has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again)
- here are the dump of DDMS Logcat

04-30 18:23:05.207: I/Process(378): Sending signal. PID: 378 SIG: 9
04-30 18:23:11.337: W/Resources(393): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x1bb a=-1}
04-30 18:23:11.397: W/Resources(393): Converting to string: TypedValue{t=0x10/d=0x0 a=-1}
04-30 18:23:11.407: I/Linphone(393):  ==== Phone information dump ====
04-30 18:23:11.417: I/Linphone(393): DEVICE=generic
04-30 18:23:11.417: I/Linphone(393): MODEL=sdk
04-30 18:23:11.417: I/Linphone(393): SDK=10
04-30 18:23:11.429: I/Linphone(393): Linphone version is 1220
04-30 18:23:11.488: D/szipinf(393): Initializing inflate state
04-30 18:23:11.488: D/szipinf(393): Initializing zlib to inflate
04-30 18:23:11.647: W/Unable to load optional library lib(393): avutilnoneon
04-30 18:23:11.647: W/Unable to load optional library lib(393): swscalenoneon
04-30 18:23:11.657: W/Unable to load optional library lib(393): avcorenoneon
04-30 18:23:11.657: W/Unable to load optional library lib(393): avcodecnoneon
04-30 18:23:11.657: W/Unable to load optional library lib(393): lincrypto
04-30 18:23:11.667: W/Unable to load optional library lib(393): linssl
04-30 18:23:11.667: W/Unable to load optional library lib(393): srtp
04-30 18:23:11.667: W/Unable to load optional library lib(393): zrtpcpp
04-30 18:23:11.687: W/Unable to load optional library lib(393): tunnelclient
04-30 18:23:11.687: W/Unable to load optional library lib(393): bcg729
04-30 18:23:11.747: W/dalvikvm(393): Exception Ljava/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError; thrown while initializing Lorg/linphone/core/LinphoneCoreFactoryImpl;
04-30 18:23:11.747: D/AndroidRuntime(393): Shutting down VM
04-30 18:23:11.747: W/dalvikvm(393): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40015560)
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393): java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at java.lang.Class.forName(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at java.lang.Class.forName(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at org.linphone.core.LinphoneCoreFactory.instance(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at org.linphone.LinphoneManager.startLibLinphone(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at org.linphone.LinphoneManager.createAndStart(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at org.linphone.LinphoneService.onCreate(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at$2500(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at$H.handleMessage(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at android.os.Looper.loop(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at$
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393): Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Couldn't load linphonenoneon: findLibrary returned null
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  at org.linphone.core.LinphoneCoreFactoryImpl.<clinit>(
04-30 18:23:11.767: E/AndroidRuntime(393):  ... 18 more
Can someone help?


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