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GUI for selecting text and music fonts (was: Sample document to show mus

From: Urs Liska
Subject: GUI for selecting text and music fonts (was: Sample document to show music fonts)
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 18:51:50 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.9.1

Hijacking my own thread to keep the reference ...

By now I'm quite happy about the interface to show sample documents to demonstrate music fonts in Frescobaldi (for reference I copy the link to (with a screencast) from a previous post).

The next step will be to

a) add the ability to select three text fonts too and use them in the display, and

b) provide an interface to generating the font selection LilyPond code for insertion in the current document. (As a follow-up step the font dialog will also be made available from the Score Wizard)

Now I'm a bit insecure how to organize the GUI, and I think it would be good to have some feedback before continuing.

Right now I have a dialog with two tabs for *text* (screenshot attached) and for *music* (see other posts in this thread).
  • The text tab lists all available fonts, displays a sample and allows to quickly find stuff through incremental filtering.
  • The music tab lists the available music fonts (for the given LilyPond version) and engraves various preview scores.

What I now want to do is an interface to compose the \paper {} block code for selecting the music. My original idea had been to have a separate tab for that, but now I find that inconvenient. Since there is now a "live" preview available I think one should have *one* tab/interface where one can choose text and music fonts and have the preview available to see how it looks. If such a tab is there it could generate the LilyPond code in the background, and one would switch to another tab to finally export the results (either to the clipboard or to be inserted at the current cursor position or to be passed back to the score wizard).

But I'm really not clear how such a single tab could be organized with regard to screen estate so all options have enough space to "breathe" while at the same time providing access to all required features at once. Plus: I think I should take care not to simply make it too big because I'm misled by my 1900x1080 monitor resolution. Engraving is a DTP use case where generous screen estate sort-of should be expected, but dialogs that actually exceed a smaller monitor area are of course absolutely to be avoided.

What do you think? What would be helpful as an interface with the least need for context switching?


Am 18.09.2018 um 12:51 schrieb Urs Liska:
Hi all,

I'm going to pick up the work on Frescobaldi's "Show available fonts" dialog, which I had started giving a fundamental overhaul before the holidays.

I'm looking for a nice template document that can be used to demonstrate a music font. It should not be too "heavy", and ideally it would show off the font at a glance within the space seen in the attached screenshot.

Just like the Score Wizard Preview dialog the space will automatically get scroll bars so the document *may* be larger but I'd prefer if one can see the essentials at first sight.

I'd be glad about some "community contributions" here.


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