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Re: Horizontal offset in polyphonic contexts.

From: Simon Albrecht
Subject: Re: Horizontal offset in polyphonic contexts.
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2016 15:20:58 +0100

Hello Guy,

On 12.02.2016 23:17, Guy Stalnaker wrote:
Code below produces perplexing results."\once \override NoteColumn.X-offset" works in two situations, but not a third, and shifts the wrong notes on a fourth. I do not understand why. Why does the .X-offset work for ExampleTwo and ExampleFour, but not when set in the polyphonic context ExampleCombinedOne? Removing the \new Voice from the polyphonic context in ExampleCombinedTwo does result in horizontal shifting, but not of the bf', rather the <c'' ef'> chord!

The NoteColumn #'force-shift has no effect in any of these examples (though it does work in other parts of my score).

You are much likely to receive answers if you give tiny examples (<>), since 100 lines of code are a lot to deal with.

– NoteColumn.force-hshift only works if there are multiple note columns (i.e. in different voices) at the same musical moment. – In polyphonic situations, you should not use \stemXXX commands to set stem direction; this will be handled automatically by the \voiceXXX commands. – Lily prefers placing the <c'' ef'> chord to the right because of the augmentation dots. I think that is a good choice, but it’s perfectly possible to do it the other way. Just uncomment the override in the following example.

The easiest way to handle this should likely be

\version "2.18.2"
\language "english"

  \time 6/4
  <g'' d'' bf'>2 <f'' c'' a'>4 <ef'' bf' g'>2 <d'' bf' f'>4 |
    { <c'' ef'>2. }
      %\once\override NoteColumn.force-hshift = 2.5
      bf'2 af'4
  >> <d'' b' g' d'>2.

By the way, I wonder why you may still be using 2.17.3. Surely you could greatly benefit from the changes introduced since then?

HTH, Simon

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