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Horizontal offset in polyphonic contexts.

From: Guy Stalnaker
Subject: Horizontal offset in polyphonic contexts.
Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2016 16:17:13 -0600
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Code below produces perplexing results."\once \override NoteColumn.X-offset" works in two situations, but not a third, and shifts the wrong notes on a fourth. I do not understand why. Why does the .X-offset work for ExampleTwo and ExampleFour, but not when set in the polyphonic context ExampleCombinedOne? Removing the \new Voice from the polyphonic context in ExampleCombinedTwo does result in horizontal shifting, but not of the bf', rather the <c'' ef'> chord!

The NoteColumn #'force-shift has no effect in any of these examples (though it does work in other parts of my score).

\version "2.17.3"
\language "english"

%This is from a mailing to the list by Urs Liska

ExampleOne = {
  \time 5/4

ExampleTwo = {
  \time 5/4
  \clef F
  r16 a,!
  % This works
\change Staff = "RH" \once \stemDown \once \override NoteColumn.X-offset = #.5 c'! % #10 % or #-1 in your case
  % This does not work
% \change Staff = "RH" \once \stemDown \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #-5.5 c'! % #10 % or #-1 in your case
  \change Staff = "LH" b! s4

ExampleOnePart = \new Staff = "RH"
\with { \omit Clef }
{ \ExampleOne }

ExampleTwoPart = \new Staff ="LH"
\with { \omit Clef }
{ \ExampleTwo }

\score {

% This is my music. I'm trying to shift the bf' to the right so it's not on top of the <c'' ef'> chord.

ExampleThree = {
  \time 6/4
  <g'' d'' bf'>2 <f'' c'' a'>4 <ef'' bf' g'>2 <d'' bf' f'>4 |
  <c'' ef'>2. <d'' b' g' d'>  |

ExampleFour = {
  \time 6/4
  s1. |
  % This does not work. Why?
  \stemUp \once \override NoteColumn.X-offset = #1.5 bf'2 af'4 s2. |
    % The following DOES work at two other spots in the score I'm creating,
  % in polyphonic contexts, but not here.
  % It DOES NOT work in Urs Liska's example above.
  %\stemUp \once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.5 bf'2 af'4 s2. |

ExampleCombinedOne = {
  << { \voiceOne \ExampleThree
     \new Voice {
       \voiceTwo {

ExampleCombinedTwo= {
  << { \voiceOne \ExampleThree
     \voiceTwo { \ExampleFour

ExampleThreePart = \new Staff
\with { \omit Clef }
{ \ExampleThree }

ExampleFourPart = \new Staff
\with { \omit Clef }
{ \ExampleFour }

ExampleCombinedPartOne = \new Staff
\with { \omit Clef }
{ \ExampleCombinedOne }

ExampleCombinedPartTwo = \new Staff
\with { \omit Clef }
{ \ExampleCombinedTwo }

\score {
    \ExampleFourPart % The \override works here
    \ExampleCombinedPartOne % The \override does NOT work here
    \ExampleCombinedPartTwo % The wrong part shifts!


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