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No Time Signature, bar lines...

From: David Kendal
Subject: No Time Signature, bar lines...
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 22:40:35 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (

>> Satisfying the checker... which thinks I'm top-posting otherwise.


I have a pair of "Amen" pieces I'm trying to typeset.
Being traditional church music, they have no time
signature - and the bar lengths are very odd,
the bars only being there to organise the piece and aid rehearsal.

So, on the first one the source I have come up with is this:

trebkend = \new Staff {
  \clef treble
  \relative c'' {
    << { a2 \bar "|" d1 } \\
    { \stemUp a2 \bar "|" a2 b2 } \\
    { g2 \bar "|" g1 } >>

basskend = \new Staff {
  \clef bass
  \relative c {
    << { e2 \bar "|" d1 } \\
    { g,2 \bar "|" g1 } >>


Which comes out very unusually, and, crucially, with a time signature.
Can I turn this functionality off and still draw bar lines where I
want them without the dischordant notes being displayed on top of one
another - ie, so they are back-to-back as is usual for tone or semitone

Thank you,

- David Kendal

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