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Re: Different line breaks in parts

From: Kieren MacMillan
Subject: Re: Different line breaks in parts
Date: Mon, 19 May 2008 05:58:29 -0400

Hi Walter (et al.):

I am trying to produce a small score for a quartet and parts. What I
am trying to do is to be able to specify different line breaks for
each part. Because the note density is different for each part,
Lilypond produces parts that are too dense for my taste.

First thing to realise is that you can change the "density" of the notes with the command/property

    \override SpacingSpanner #'base-shortest-duration

as seen in the following snippet:

\version "2.11.41"\include ""
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }

theMusic = \relative
        c4 d8 e f4 g8 a |
        bf4 af8 gf f4 ef8 df |


\override SpacingSpanner #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make- moment 1 12)

\override SpacingSpanner #'base-shortest-duration = #(ly:make- moment 1 24)

I also find Lilypond's default spacing to be (slightly) too cramped for my taste -- I increase the default spacing in almost every score.

not necessarily have the line breaks in the same places

It may be that the spacing issue is the only one you need to fix -- i.e., once you increase the default spacing, Lily might just produce "perfect" scores for all versions (i.e., score and parts)! =)

If not, you will need to define manual breaks (as suggested, e.g., by Mark). However, I recommend that you keep the break definition OUTSIDE of the music content -- after all, breaks are strictly "presentation", and thus should be separate from content. [The #'tag construct is a useful one, but it encourages mixing content with presentation, which is not always desirable in the long run; in particular, if you choose to define line breaks "per edition", your music can quickly become cluttered with more #'tag elements than actual notes!]

An example of what I'm suggesting is included below -- hope it helps!

partANotes =

partABreaks =
        \repeat "unfold" 5 { s1 \noBreak } \break
        \repeat "unfold" 7 { s1 \noBreak } \break

partBNotes =

partBBreaks =
        \repeat "unfold" 6 { s1 \noBreak } \break
        \repeat "unfold" 4 { s1 \noBreak } \break


fullScoreBreaks =
        \repeat "unfold" 2 { s1 \noBreak } \break
        \repeat "unfold" 12 { s1 \noBreak } \break

                \new Staff = "A" << \partANotes \fullScoreBreaks >>
                \new Staff = "B" << \partBNotes >>

        \new Staff = "A" << \partANotes \partABreaks >>


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