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Re: [libredwg] Testing suite samples

From: Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva
Subject: Re: [libredwg] Testing suite samples
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2010 20:03:01 -0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

Jake Abel wrote:
Upon first impression I thought your library was written in C, but then I
saw the email earlier about a C++ patch.  If it's to be a C++ library, then
the API probably ought to look like Autodesk's C++ ObjectARX API (not
verbatim, of course).

It is actually a C library. The "C++ patch" by James DuPont was just to ensure more strict typecasting - it makes libredwg compile under g++, but it is still C code. C code is compatible with C++ (as long as it doesn't use any C++ reserved words as variable names), and C++ applications can link directly to C libraries, dinamically or statically.

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