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Re: L4Hurd at Sourceforge

From: Niels Möller
Subject: Re: L4Hurd at Sourceforge
Date: 22 Oct 2001 15:44:29 +0200

Ian Duggan <address@hidden> writes:

> 1) Is the fiasco kernel the right choice here? We can easily add other
> L4 microkernels as modules.

My religion is against C++. So if there's a decent plain C/assembler
alternative, I'd prefer that.

> 2) Hurd Module
>    CVSROOT/hurd   (Hurd from official CVS)

I think it is desirable to minimize hacking all over the hurd. On the
other hand, some components, like libports, will be quite central for
the L4 port. So perhaps it makes sense to import it all. An
alternative might be to create a branch or something on the official
hurd repository. 

Similar considerations apply to the oskit: If it's practical to use a
released version of the oskit, and just report any bugs to the oskit
folks in the normal way, that might be better.

> 3) Is this the correct way to setup CVS? Are there any other
> suggestions?

Another module that you'll need is glibc, or at least those parts of
it that Farid packaged up as libhurd.

And pthreads (I don't remember current status on that).


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