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[Koha-devel] Re: [Koha] Re: translations of Koha

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] Re: [Koha] Re: translations of Koha
Date: Mon Jun 24 00:56:04 2002
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.0) Gecko/20020529

Pat Eyler wrote:
On Sat, 22 Jun 2002 address@hidden wrote:
How is the translation process being done? Is there one central message file?
 It would be ackward to have many versions  in many languages having to  be
kept up to date.. if the text messages are not in  just a central  message
file now might be the time  to think about  doing it thus.
There are four parts required for translations the way we're going to end
up doing them.

1) the text generated by the scripts.  This should you gettext and .po
files (similar to what you mentioned above).

2) the text in the html templates.  This will be different for each
template, and will need to be kept up to date seperately.

3) the text within images.  This will also need to be separately
To complete what pate said :
in the current stable version, there is only 2 and 3 to do, as templates are not yet implemented. I want a french version, but have decided to wait for a templated version, as the gettext method has 2 problems i think :
* a small one : it's cpu consumming, as it adds a step for Apache before sending a page.
* a bigger one : the gettext is 1000+ lines long, so it's a pain to translate. And on every release, you'll have to "rebuild" it, as a string with just 1 space added won't be translated anymore.

So i think it's better to wait for a templated version, and give a hand for it to happend ;-)
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