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RE: [Koha-devel] Also...

From: Chris Cormack
Subject: RE: [Koha-devel] Also...
Date: Mon Mar 4 11:01:38 2002

On Tue, 2002-03-05 at 07:37, Nicholas Rosasco wrote:
> I've fed, more out of habit, what I've seen so far in terms of feature
> requests/etc to the sourceforge tracker.  I'll be keeping tabs on the list
> for more.
> Is there a way to configure which information is displayed for classtype,
> etc? on record display for an item?  Not everyone uses Dewey classification,
> for example, and if/when we have full marc capability it might be useful to
> be able to trim how much record is displayed (elementary school libraries,
> for example, have little need for the lengthy version).

Actually this feeds in nicely into what I was saying about the searches
in the earlier email. Id like to be able to customise the searches and
search results.
> Also, on a possible usage-increase note... if anyone thinks it'd be nifty :)
> I'll see if the k12linux (Linux for schools) project would be interested in
> adding Koha to their install package?
Sounds good, perhaps 1.2.0 ... we really need to get our more easier
install up and going i think.
Its a snap to install Koha as a debian package. Its still a mission from
the tarball.

Chris Cormack                                               Programmer
025 500 789                                  Katipo Communications Ltd
address@hidden                                    www.katipo.co.nz

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