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[Koha-devel] whops... (reverse engeneering again)

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] whops... (reverse engeneering again)
Date: Fri Mar 1 09:02:45 2002
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020204

forget to add the doc... here it is
Note it's done with openOffice.org and saved as html


Technical doc

Tables meanings

(The number after the table name shows the number of records in the sample DB)

Accountlines 53158

Used to store borrowers debt.

Accountoffsets 23008

Used to store borrowers payments

additionalauthors 17790

Used to store additional autors from a biblio. Linked to biblionumber.

Aqbookfund 42

Book funds. The book fund is used for the budget (something else ?)

Every recrod is present twice in the DB, except for the 6 lasts.

Aqbooksellers 105

Book sellers table

aqbudget 24

Budget lines. Linked to aqbookfund.

Aqorderbreakdown 11807

Contains the links between aqorder, a bookfund, and a branch.

linked to bookfundid, branchcode, and aqorder.

Aqorderdelivery 0

Contains the delivery of an order?

Why is it empty on sample DB ? Seems to be unused (grep aqorderdelivery * is empty)

Aqorders 11033

Contains orders. 1 order is created for each biblio ordered.

Linked to booksellers, biblionumber,

biblio 64540

Contains... biblios ;-)

biblioanalysis 61469


linked to biblio. Sometimes many records for 1 biblio. Seem to contain other titles for a biblio, or other authors names ?

Biblioitems 75641


Seem to contain more datas than biblio, but for 1 biblio, there is sometimes many biblioitems.

Bibliosubject 126829

List of subjects related to a biblio.

Linked to biblio.

Bibliosubtitle 79371

Subtitles of a biblio.

Linked to biblio

borexp 25303

Expiration dates of borrowers cards.

Linked to borrowers.

Borrowers 26523

List of borrowers.

Linked to categories and branches.

branchcategories 0

Unused (not found with grep)

branches 12

The differents libraries managed by koha.

Branchtransfers 0

Unused (not found with grep)

catalogueentry 131736


categories 9

The differents categories of borrowers.

Categoryitem 396

Shows, for every category and every item types the financial properties for a borrowing.

Linked to categories and itemtypes

classification 0

Should be used to list classifications useables in biblioitems, but seems unused (grep again...)

currency 3

Currencies managed in koha.

??? more explanations needed

deletedbiblio 308

Stores deletedbiblios. A deletedbiblio may be undeleted, that's the reason of this table.

Deletedbiblioitems 2093

Stores deletedbiblioitems from deletedbiblio. A deletedbiblio may be undeleted, that's the reason of this table.

Deletedborrowers 1

Stores deleted borrowesrs (for stats and hystory reasons because we can't undelete a borrowers

deleteditems 2424

Stores deleted items

issues 288074

Stores borrowing datas : when a borrower borrowed a biblio, and when he returned it.

Linkes to item and borrower.

Items 76819

A book we possess in our library. If a biblio exists more than once in the library, more than 1 record exists in this table (1 record for each item we possess)

itemsprices 72785

No more used in koha (grep again and again...)

itemtypes 47

Types of items. It represents the type of the support of the item. A single biblio may exist in many support (print, cassette, large book...)

multipart 0

Not used

multivolume 0

Not used

newitems 0

Not used

printers 6

The printer to print on (unix lp syntax)

procedures 0

Not used

publisher 0

Not used

reserveconstraints 985


reserves 5383

Records when a borrower wants a book that is already out.

Searchstats 0

Not used

serialissues 0

Not used

statistics 574035


stopwords 14

Words that are removed when we search/create a biblio.

Systempreferences 0

System preferences.

Detected used values in koha :

users 4

Authorized users. User in C4/Security.pm

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