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[Koha-devel] reverse engeneering on DB...

From: paul POULAIN
Subject: [Koha-devel] reverse engeneering on DB...
Date: Fri Mar 1 09:01:11 2002
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020204

I try to understand very well how the 1.1 version of koha works (the exact structure of the DB). I wrote a few words for every table.
I will enhance the doc in the future, as I understand better everything.

By the way, a few tables remains un-understandable to me, so if someone could lighten me ;-) Last word : many tables seems useless, so if you confirm they are, I could add a "drop table" to my SQL patch.


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