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[Info-gnuts] discourteous zit

From: Trudy Blankenship
Subject: [Info-gnuts] discourteous zit
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 02:15:45 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

It was not contemplated for any length of time. He made no such effort.
There are rules for settling electoral disputes of this kind, in federal and state law and in the Constitution itself. However, nobody in Washington expects them to go away on schedule; they were designated as temporary only to make their ultimate results look less scary. Their avowals of good faith would be more reassuring if their record were not otherwise so troubling.
In that state, George W.
Our experience with them is long. This extraordinary outpouring provided Bush with a second opportunity to create something like a government of national unity. Although we are in the fourth year after the events of Sept.
More recently, the Administration proposed new rules that would significantly weaken controls on mercury emissions from power plants. It showed a cumulative surplus of more than five trillion dollars. Jobs, health care, education, and the rest may not count for much when weighed against the prospect of large-scale terrorist attack.
Is it any wonder that the anger felt by many Democrats is even greater than can be explained by the profound differences in outlook between the two candidates and their parties? He lives and works within a self-created bubble of faith-based affirmation. The Senate has confirmed two hundred and one of his judicial nominees, more than the per-term averages for Presidents Clinton, Reagan, and Bush senior.
Nowhere has his solipsism been more damaging than in the case of Iraq. Largely at the insistence of Democrats and moderate Republicans, the Bush cuts gave middle-class families some relief in the form of refunds, bigger child credits, and a smaller marriage penalty.
Opium production has increased fortyfold. Jobs, health care, education, and the rest may not count for much when weighed against the prospect of large-scale terrorist attack.
Since it is official policy not to deport terrorism suspects, it is unclear what legitimate anti-terror purpose these secret hearings serve.
In any event, not one of the detainees has been convicted of anything resembling a terrorist act. He boasts that he listens to no outside advisers, and inside advisers who dare to express unwelcome views are met with anger or disdain.
But this election is anything but ordinary. Still, the rich do better, to put it mildly. In any event, not one of the detainees has been convicted of anything resembling a terrorist act.
officials have often described him as holed up in a dank and dreary cave, all but cut off from the outside world. In a second Bush term, the Court could be remade in their images.
Our experience with them is long.
The Iraq war has been a fantastic recruiting tool for him and the behavior of this administration has played into his hands.

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